Bifocal Contact Lens Exam

What Are Bifocal Contact Lenses?
Bifocal contacts provide you with two different types of vision correction in one lens. Part of the lens helps you to see better up close while another section improves your distance vision. As with bifocal glasses, you will have to learn to look in different areas of the contacts to get the best results from them.
Who Needs Bifocal Contact Lenses?
Most people who require the addition up-close focusing ability of bifocal contacts have an age-related condition called presbyopia. Many people begin to have problems with their reading vision after age 40. If you have presbyopia, you’re far from alone. In fact, an estimated two billion people worldwide have some form of presbyopia.
Because the traditional treatment for presbyopia in the past required wearing reading glasses or heavily lined bifocals, many associated wearing these types of glasses with advanced age. However, with bifocal contacts, you can get the same vision correction without the need to wear glasses.
What Happens During a Bifocal Contact Lens Exam?
Because an eye doctor needs to determine two prescriptions for your distance and up-close vision, a bifocal contact lens exam will include several steps. As with standard contact lens exams, your eye doctor will take measurements and determine the type of contacts that should work best with your vision and eyes.
Bifocal contacts also have several forms, including those with concentric circles of different vision correction and ones that have a design more closely resembling bifocal glasses lenses. Talk to your eye doctor about how to use the contacts and any concerns you may have.
If you have never worn contacts before, make sure that you get answers to your questions about how often you need to clean the lenses and how long you can wear them. Also, discuss how often you should schedule future optometry appointments to check on your vision and eye health. If you have newly developed vision changes, they may worsen over time, requiring changes in your prescription.
Schedule an Appointment for a Contact Lens Exam With Our Optometrists in Jenks
Do you have to hold your book or phone close to your eyes? Do you lean in to see your computer screen better? You may need to schedule a bifocal contact lens exam.
Call us at Insight Eyecare Jenks to make an appointment with one of our eye doctors for an evaluation and contact lens fitting. Reach us by phone at (918) 299-2020 to set up your visit for this type of exam or any other eye care service that we offer.