Eye Cataracts | No One better

Eye Cataracts | No One better

Comcast number 10 cataract series part two inside I care. Dr Kyle Tate.
The different types of cataracts begin podcast.
Welcome to eyecare insights with Dr. Kyle Tate you were Jynx eye doctor. Today were in part two of talking about cataracts cataracts something that affects everybody. Remember what Cataracs do is they make you know see as well. So this is not anything that you feel this is something that changes your vision. And today we’re discussing more specifically the top five most common cataracts that will encounter remembers your Jynx eye doctor we’re here to help take care of things like that. If you feel like things we talked about today are you experiencing. Reach out to us inside here. We’ve got such an amazing facility amazing staff. We’re here to take care of you. We treat patients of all ages. We do cataract exams diabetes eye exams glaucoma exams macular degeneration and exams. We do kids eye exams adult eye exams everything in between. We have our clinics easy to find. We’re just south of the creek turnpike near the glen Poole. I hop inside of inside I care is a large eyeglasses gallery or eyeglasses shop where we’ve got over a thousand frames to meet all I care wants and needs. We partner with some of the finest glasses laps to make the lenses. To give you the absolute best vision possible and the longest lasting glasses our team inside here we want to be your genes doctor. We want take care of all of your high care needs. Eye Cataracts. So today we’re in part two of our Catterick series. We’re going to talk about the top five different types of cataracts Eye Cataracts
Now remember what a cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye. Anybody can get it but it’s most common later in life after age 50 with the average age being 65. It can blur your vision. It can cause your halo make you feel like your glasses just aren’t as sharp as it should be. The best thing to do about cataract surgery once they have advanced enough is to have the surgery to fix it. It’s outpatient it’s a painless surgery there’s no shots no stitches no bleeding involved. And we do have a laser cataract surgery option now and even cataract surgery without any drops which we’ll get to some details on those and actually future podcast. But today we’re talking about the top five types of cataracts so that by far the most common type is called Nuclear sclerosis and that fancy scientific term just means the center of the limbs of the eye gets cloudy. Remember the lens of the eyes. It’s right behind the colored Iris and pupil. So you cannot see it until it’s cloudy. Eye Cataracts. So if you ever see somebody with a cloudy pupil they need to go to an eye doctor immediately. Now especially this is important. So big red flag here. Any parents of newborns that have a white pupil meaning the very center part of the eye or in the center of the color is white. They need to go to an eye doctor like today tomorrow that’s an emergency. That means that the baby’s not getting vision and the eyes will not develop and even a few days of that can be permanent problems for the rest of their life.
And so the nuclear sclerosis it can be a yellowing it can be a white center is different. Those are the two colors it can also be kind of a brownish color. This type though it just blurs vision. It makes people not see it. Chris it’s like looking through a dirty window. If you ever had a window fogged up like on the shower and you can imagine trying to see that way all the time. That’s what a cataract can be. This type of cataract is almost always very very slow. It slowly gets worse over years and years. And so people can get frustrated when their parents have cataracts. They’ll be out like I never knew they never said anything. All this type of Catterick. They may have not known because it came on really slow as your eye doctor we help diagnose this and we can help say is this ready for cataract surgery or not. And so we want to be your eye doctor come see that inside I care if you feel like that quality of vision is just not as good. The second most common type is called a cortico cataract. What this looks like is it looks like white’s ropes and that you see more on dilated. Eye Cataracts
So cortical cataracts caused more problems at night especially driving at night looking at headlights looking at bright street lights so if your spouse or your parent starts talking about any of these types of things get them to an island of water get them to us inside here so we can take care of them. Cortical cataracts can happen a little bit faster. It is the second most common type. They can also happen with. So it’s important to know that these cataracts are not one or the other but they can all happen a little bit together so it’s most common that people have both of the times we’ve talked about the nuclear sclerotic and the cortical mix together. Now the third most common it is called opposed to your ear so cancer or so you mentioned clearly is that shaped like an onion the very back side has a white opaque dot. So if you held up around a piece of paper right in front of you right in the center of your vision that’s what this so if you try and look at someone’s face with that piece of paper through there they’re not going to see this type of cancer that causes a very quick decline in vision and this can actually happen over months or years. This type can also happen with different types of medications. The most common type was steroids and was an early laser treatments we had with the eyes. So we abbreviate this post to your sub capsular cataract as PSC and these PSC cataracts it usually when we see them this patients getting cataract surgery within the next months if not immediately versus the first two types. Eye Cataracts
We talked about the most common types can develop over years and are not as quick of a need for surgery. Now it’s important remember the different types of cataracts don’t really change the outcome of surgery that it all happens equally the same the first three that we’ve talked about are by far the most common and they take up probably 95 percent of cataract surgeries. Remember cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the United States. It goes back and forth and plastic surgeries such as nose or chest implants.
The next we’re going to talk about is traumatic cataract. We see this pretty often and it can be within a few days or a few years of having an injury. It may be someone getting hit in the head. It may be something really fast hitting the eye. It does not have to be something that goes into the eye. It can be many different types of traumas. You know I’ve had people that got hit in the head as a kid that fell and hit their head and a few months later developed this or you know I had one this week where the guy had a really big hit to the side of his head. And 20 years later here he has a cataract in his 50s in one eye and the other eyes looking perfectly clear and so traumatic type of cataract can be a quick advancing or slow advancing in group traumatic type of cataracts with medications. And the next that we’re going to talk about metabolic because it’s usually happening in one where the three most common type are more commonly going to be three guys are both the eyes. No one has three eyes I hope you don’t have three eyes. If you do have three eyes come see us and we’ll get you in the record books. But the first three types are going to happen more eagerly in both eyes but this traumatic metabolic as well as from drug induced can happen in one or both eyes.
And so the last time we’re going to talk about today is metabolic. What that means is along with a different type of disease things like diabetes. Different type of immune diseases. There are some diseases that can be diagnosed off cataracts because that’s one of the things that they do. And so cataracts need of valuated is not just you have to care. Yes you know but what type it is what layer of the lens it is how quick it came on whether it’s in one eye or both eyes and it’s your genes. Doctor we’re here to help evaluate that. We’re here to talk about the options and what is going to be best for you.
As your genes. Doctor I want you to remember that if you get any of these symptoms or any one in your family has this reach out to us and say I care. Eye Cataracts. Our mission our focus is to improve every life and every encounter. We want you to have healthy eyes clear vision so that your eyes do you know it negatively influence your life. You should love your eyeglasses you should love your vision. Your eyes should not bother you on a daily basis. So if you’re having that see us at INSIDE I care as your side doctor. We’re here with a welcoming staff of State of the art facility. We have a very large eyeglasses boutique with some of the highest quality frames we can find. We’re staying up to date on all the new technologies the newest equipment so that we can meet you. You are needs as a patient as your Jinx eye doctor. Remember we treat all types of common diseases nearsightedness farsightedness astigmatism cataracts. Diabetes macular degeneration dry eyes allergies forum material removal braininess you were blurry vision and brainiest your eye problems so we can help you improve your life. God bless you guys. Have a great day. Eye Cataracts.
