Common Concerns for Vision Loss | Go to Professional Jenks Eye Doctor

Common Concerns for Vision Loss | Go to a professional Jenks eye doctor

insane I think here the most common times of vision loss is starting at birth begin podcast now. Welcome to eyecare in science with Dr. Kyle a Jenks eye doctor. You were just side doctor today we’re starting a new series about the most common times in types of vision loss and life. So what we’re going to do here is we’re going to walk. Starting at birth and talk about the most common things that we watch out for in an eye exam so many people are having trouble understanding the value of getting an eye exam when they don’t think they have any problems where a parent doesn’t see a problem and a kid or a stubborn person just doesn’t want to come in for an exam. But there’s many times they need to be looking for a side doctor and inside I care. We treat patients of all ages from Baby Eye exams kids eye exams to senior eyes and everything in between. We take care of all different types of complexities of exams from simple exams to check the health say Yep things look great. Need to see you in two years all the way up to complex disease exams. Well we’re doing different testing and working with other types of physicians and refereing for surgery we treat here in our office things like pink eye dry eyes glaucoma macular degeneration and many others inside here is located one mile south of the creek turnpike at Highway 75 and 177 near the gloom poor Simple Simons located inside our clinic. We have a large eyeglasses gallery with over a thousand different eyeglasses to meet all wants and needs.
We partner with some of the most amazing labs as a Jenks eye doctor in the country to give you the best vision possible out of your lenses. Our team in Wants to Be Your Jynx eye doctor for everything your eyes could need. Common Concerns for Vision Loss
So today we’re going to talk about the most common problems in eyes at different periods in life. We’re going to start from birth and just work our way through over the next couple parts. So starting with newborn until they’re six months old. There’s two big things we watch out for. Both of these are extremely serious. You actually can’t get cataracts in newborns. Now what cataracts do in newborns is different than an adult an adult it just blurs vision and we do surgery. But when kids are born their eyes are not developed hardly at all. So when they first open their eyes that’s the first time they see any lights. And so the brain the eyes are immediately starting to learn and build. Common Concerns for Vision Loss. Wolf a cataract is there even if it’s there for more than two days from birth there is going to be some permanent vision problems that we have to deal with. And then Heaven forbid it gets missed in the hospital because all hospitals do look for these two things we’re talking about if it gets a few weeks even that patients can have severe vision loss for the rest of their life their eyes won’t fully develop. And the other thing they look for is retina blastoma cancer and the eyes may not sound like something that’s very common but retinoblastoma is actually the number one thing that we look out for in newborns. It’s a cancer that’s inside the eye and basically kids are born with a white pupil which a cataract can also cause. Common Concerns for Vision Loss
So if kids are ever born in the pupils white or when they get pictures taken they don’t have that red reflex in one eye. Common Concerns for Vision Loss. They need to see an eye doctor immediately like within the next 24 hours to start fixing that. The other thing this is not really a permanent problem but it’s worth noting anyone that’s had a kid has noticed that the hospital would immediately glob lots of ointment around the eyes. Well there’s different types of bacterial infections that can be pretty nasty and passed down through the birthing process and our studies have shown us that using Erythromycin can help out there.
Now is your Jenks eye doctor these are some very serious conditions that we can help diagnose. These are not things that we’ll treat here in office. But this next segment about infants between six and 12 months.
These are all things that we will treat as your aging side doctor had insight I care so infants once they hit six months any type of. I heard that they had before then should go away. So I like to see kids about 18 months old by that point they should be working together we should not find any eye turns. We can also actually check the prescription there. This is something that amazes people but as an eye doctor we have many tools in our bag and we’re thankful for that. We do not have to have the old number one or number two test going like a lot of patients think we can actually shine a special light in and measure how light is focused coming out and that lets us know if there’s any type of higher prescription there. And so we’re watching for eye turns. Common Concerns for Vision Loss
If there is a higher prescription it depends on what it is or how severe and near side of prescriptions not as severe as the kids can see up close. We just give them glasses to help develop their vision better for far away and help them see a far sighted prescription that kid may not be seeing anything at all just like we talked about with a newborn not able to see through a cataract causing permanent problems. And I in turn can do that. Also a high farsighted prescription or high astigmatism prescription found a six to 12 months we’ll do that.
So there’s an amazing program called infancy that doctors have banned bound together and said we will do eye exams for free for all babies before a year old. To make sure they get that eye exam to make sure they have a chance to develop in life is truly amazing thing. And these are some of the most blessed exams because when you unfortunately do find something wrong you give that child the ability to see their parent for the first time which is one of the greatest gifts of life and one of the things we’re most blessed to be an eye doctor and then if the prescription or and I turn has caused one eye doesn’t develop to see as clear as we want it to. That’s called amblyopia. What amblyopia it means. Common Concerns for Vision Loss
It means that I can’t see 20:20 whether we put glasses in front of it or not. And that’s the big key. A lot of people work well I can’t see I’m legally blind. Well in reality you put your glasses on and you can see just fine.
But these high prescriptions or high prescription and one eye high astigmatism height farsightedness right turns can cause people to not see well even with the best glasses possible. That’s called amblyopia the treatments for amblyopia which as your Jenks eye doctor, we love saying. We put a patch or we do something where the good eye gets covered or not used as much to force the eye. That’s a little weaker to start functioning. We typically do this per standard for six weeks and we know that a third of cases will improve in the first six weeks of wearing a patch for at least two hours a day that can be a pirate patch that can be a sticky patch over the glasses over the face that can be a very blurry contact in some of the older kids. But we will start patching even if that’s if there’s a really high prescription that we’re worried about. The next point that we look at is between 12 months older a year and six years old. That’s when we’re start to worry are the eyes starting to work together like they should. Common Concerns for Vision Loss. That’s called by not your vision when your eyes can function together. This is incredibly important in reading. Another thing that can be a problem is called convergence insufficiency where the eyes will point together. This causes school problems so between 1 and 6 years old we’re starting to look for all those building blocks for the eyes to be able to do their job at school. It surprises a lot of people know that the visual system is actually not fully developed around six years old.

And so a kid who’s four may not have any prescription and not be able to see 2020 just because their eyes have not developed yet. And so under six years old Usually the eye exams look a lot different. We don’t get as much of a patient feedback meaning we don’t ask them one or two. We don’t ask them to read a chart because they may not be able to mentally yet. So those eye exams will look much different than it showed a child who’s older than six years old and so remember as your edgings eye doctor we’re here to take care of patients of all ages. We do get eye exams. Infants coming in for those screenings at eight to nine months old follow up exams from that after their infant exam. If we don’t have any concerns we usually see them begin at age three and five to make sure they’re at those developmental milestones.

When you think you need to Jenks eye doctor or come to us inside eye care we’ve got a welcoming staff in a state of the art facility and a Jenks eye doctor that cares. We keep the most advanced equipment we can keeping up with the technologies making sure our eyeglasses gallery has lots of good designer and high quality frames. We keep thousands of contacts in stocks so that we can meet the needs of any patient. As your Jenks eye doctor remember we treat all types of common diseases nearsightedness farsightedness stigmatism amblyopia cataracts glaucoma and dry eye our ears for material removal.
We want you to bring us your eye problems your kiddos your grandparent so that we can check their eyes and help take care of them.
God bless everybody. Have a great day. Common Concerns for Vision Loss

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