Common Causes for vision loss | Best of the best Jenks Eye Doctor

Common Causes for vision loss | Best of the best

Podcast number 16 by Kyle Tate with insight eye care common causes for vision loss part two. Ages 8 and above begin podcast now. Welcome to Jenks eye doctor eyecare insights with Dr. Kyle take your doctor. Today we’re in our series about common causes of vision loss. A different point in life. The last podcast we talked about from birth all the way up to six years old all the different things that caused the eyes basically to not be able to develop as they should. They can be very simple causes that are fixable but cause of very serious damage for the kids long term and their life. So eye exams should be at nine months old. Three and five years unless the doctor says to come in more often. Remember if he needed any exam reach out to us inside I care as your Jenks eye doctor we treat patients of all ages from seniors all the way down to little newborn babies and kids exams we treat all different levels of eye disease glaucoma macular degeneration cataracts karet CONUS and many many others. We offer different levels of exams from your basic eye exam to disease exams diabetes eye exams contact lens fits of all complexities and injuries exams and Sonicare is located one mile south off the creek turnpike at Highway 75 and 177 near the glen Paul are located within our clinic is a large optical boutique with over a thousand frames to me all eye glasses wants and needs. Common Causes for vision loss.
We partner with the finest lads to try and give the highest tech lenses that will help you see your world. The best possible our team inside I care wants to be or Jenks eye doctor for all your eye care needs. So today we’re talking about part two of the most common causes for vision loss at different stages of life. Last time we covered a little earlier today we’re starting at a. So between eight and 16 years old we don’t see as mean disease or developmental problems as we do before then what we see is the eyes getting more nearsighted and so that can affect people differently. If you’re nearsighted it usually gets a little worse. So that’s the most common thing that we see. Someone got their glasses around 68 years old to help them see the leaves on the tree see the TV those numbers climb up and the parents are always nervous because the kid goes from a minus 1 to 3 and 4 and just keeps getting more and more as a doctor we really don’t worry about that there’s a lot of research into try and prevent that but there’s not been anything that’s been truly able to be proven to work. Someone who could maybe be eight or 10 years old and see great because they don’t have a near-sightedness will then the eyes can shift into nearsightedness.

Those are usually the patients that are just a little nearsighted as are accidental but then kids who are far sighted because farsighted is the most common type of prescription or I use the Metro via her Amish Tropi is another word for it.
Hyperopia farsightedness is most common and as a Jenks eye doctor, we see it a lot. As a kid that will reduce the closer they get to that 10 to 14 year old range as you get that myopic shift. So we really don’t see a big strand of eye disease then. In fact we don’t see very much. And tell us about age 50. But between 18 and 50 years old the most common cause in America for vision loss in that age group is actually macular edema from diabetes. And so what the heck is that. Well everybody knows what diabetes is.
Diabetes affects the eyes every patient with diabetes needs that yearly dilated eye exam. This is a in-depth health check of the eyes not just a basic eye exam. Common Causes for vision loss
And so what happens with diabetes in the body is the blood sugar numbers are either constantly too high or they’re going up and down a lot those weakened blood vessels of small and medium size which are exactly the size that are inside the high wall and those blood vessels will leak. They’re leaking blood and they’re leaking fluid that fluid can get in the tissue of area called The Mask which is a tiny area about a half of the millimeter that at its very core and that tiny half millimeter areas were all your clear detail vision comes from. So if fluid gets in there it’s going to cause blurry vision that glasses can’t fix. That’s when we have to diagnose and find out how much swelling and where the swelling is. And we’ve got some studies that are shown us some rules that if it meets these rules then we refer for likely an injection of a medication to help pull the swelling out.
Notice I said help is not 100 percent Vicks or Oldways or to help reduce that swelling to get that to go away but it’s surprising in America that between age 18 and 50 that died Petey’s macular DMA is the most common cause for vision loss and that’s why people need their diabetes. And that may start very small and subtle and someone needs to come in and treat it before it actually gets a problem. Although most times these patients come in after it’s been a problem with complain hey I can’t see anymore.
Throughout the rest of the world at that age you’ve got cataracts and just near-sightedness that are the biggest problem along with something called Turkomans and the third world countries third world countries that early in middle age. It’s a infection that scars and Hayes’s over the front of the eyes so patients can’t see. So in America from 55 and on the most common cause of vision loss is actually macular degeneration. Now personally I think in the next 10 years we’re going to see diabetes take this age segment also. But for now let’s talk about macular degeneration. We spoke about this in our previous episodes on different subjects.
One of macular degeneration is so important is really explained in this episode because is that leading cause of vision loss the elderly. It causes a really big problem that actually costs our society a lot you can imagine if your clear vision is gone you’re very central thing you’re trying to look at it as black and missing that causes you to really struggle you can drive safely you can’t function a life to your full potential and that cost society. So there’s a lot of research killing and to stop that. Right now the best thing that we have to stop macular degeneration for the dry time which is the most common type in the least severe type is taking a high dose vitamin A giant Normas study called it a Redds study told us these are some things that will help slow it down we don’t have anything to stop the dry type of macular degeneration. But we do have to see those dry macular degeneration patients every six months for testing and monitoring to make sure it doesn’t go into the wet time. So a lot of people don’t have a clear understanding of what wet macular degeneration is. Wet macular degeneration is something we can diagnose that inside. I hear you were saying side Dr. what we look at is we look for swelling. We look for new blood vessel growth underneath them. You have the biggest problem here is not actual blood vessels. I mean they can blur vision.
We’ve got some amazing treatments that can make those blood vessels go away but they can cause scar tissue and that scar tissue can cause permanent problems as far as where that scar tissue forms in the macula you can’t see through that scar tissue and its root in the tissue around it. And so patients were sent home with something called a Amsler grid to help monitor this macular degeneration that something inside I care is your genes eye doctor. We get to all of our patients if we do suspect with macular degeneration we refer them on to a retina specialist who will likely do an injection and some laser to help stop that wet type or those bad blood vessels from leaking and scarring up the another big common cause of vision loss over age 55 is also glaucoma although with recent advances in the last 20 years we have many medications lasers and surgeries to help prevent glaucoma from being a problem. Common Causes for vision loss. So you know if anyone in your family has macular degeneration have them reach out to us as your genes. Doctor we’ve got some amazing tools and techniques even if they’ve already lost vision. There are services we can get them to to help them function better since their vision isn’t as good. There’s just some I hate to use the word tricks but there are some amazing tricks and tools that can be used to help improve their quality of life. So as your Jenks eye doctor I want you to remember if you know anyone that needs help with these things send them to us that inside care. Our mission is to improve every life and every encounter. That means we want all of our patients deaf healthy eyes for their entire life and we’re here to work hard and stay on the cutting edge of technology to do that.
Well you think you need an Jenks eye doctor. Come see us at INSIDE I care. We have our amazing staff our state of the art facility and then our equipment. We purchased it invested in to be able to take care of your eyes is available as your Jenks eye doctor. Remember we treat many types of diseases the ones we’ve talked about today and there then many other ones simple ones like near-sighted farsightedness cataracts astigmatism allergies dry eyes glaucoma macular degeneration and bring us your problems so we can help improve your life. God bless everybody. Have a great day from your local Jenks eye doctor
